OHRC Publications by Date
Integrating Oral Health Care into Primary Care: A Resource Guide features materials produced by the Networks for Oral Health Integration program and by government agencies and national and state organizations focusing on policy, practice guidance and tools, professional education and training, and program development (national and state efforts). |
Networks for Oral Health Integration (NOHI) Within the MCH Safety Net—Overview and Project Profiles: Update 2024 provides information about the NOHI program and each of the three projects. The goal of the initiative is to improve access to and use of oral health care for pregnant women, infants, and children at high risk for oral disease.
Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Update on Activities—October 2024. This update is part of a series of updates that highlight recent policies, programs, and resources to help ensure that health professionals and pregnant women and their families are aware of the importance and safety of receiving oral health care during pregnancy. These periodic updates provide an overview of selected national and state activities. Past issues are available online. |
These resources may help oral health programs and community partners become involved in the Title V Maternal and Child Health Bureau Block Grant 5-year needs assessment process and ultimately the development of the state action plan. Produced by the Consortium for Oral Health partners, the National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center and the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors. |
Integrating Oral Health Care and Primary Care Learning Collaborative: A State and Local Partnership Final Report. This report describes programmatic efforts to integrate oral health care and prenatal care with both a state and a local component. Project teams consisted of members from state oral health programs and local community health centers. The project was implemented from 2022 through 2024. The report discusses project team selection, the state-level approach, the local-level approach, use of stipend funds and in-kind support, and integration of interprofessional oral health core clinical competencies into prenatal care at the participating clinic site. The report’s executive summary is also available separately. |
Integrating Oral Health Care into Primary Care: Five Successful, Long-Standing, Statewide Programs Providing Care for the Maternal and Child Health Population. This report spotlights five programs focused on integrating oral health care into primary care serving the maternal and child health population. Spotlights include a program overview; a description of the program’s inception and early years; information about funding, notable strengths, notable evaluation activities, and evaluation methodology; select evaluation findings; and resources to learn more about evaluation. The report also describes key elements for program success and challenges common across all programs that support or limit program success. Stand-alone spotlights of each program are also available. |
Selected Quality Measures of Oral Health Care for Children. This brief provides a national summary of selected oral health care quality measures for children developed by the Dental Quality Alliance (DQA) and displayed in DQA's State Oral Healthcare Quality Dashboard. The brief offers information on the following selected measures: Oral Evaluation, Dental Services (by or under the supervision of a dentist); Topical Fluoride for Children; and Sealant Receipt on Permanent First Molars. Data is presented on these three measures for the period 2016–2020. |
Tips for Good Oral Health During Pregnancy is now available in Haitian Creole and Moldovan Romanian. It provides information and resources to help women take care of their oral health during pregnancy. Topics include getting oral health care, practicing good oral hygiene, eating healthy foods, and practicing other healthy behaviors. The tip sheet also encourages women to take care of their infant's gums and teeth and to ask their pediatric health professional to check their infant's mouth starting at age 6 months and to provide a referral to a dentist for urgent care. A list of resources is included. |
Promoting Oral Health Literacy: A Resource Guide features materials on policy; professional education, tools, and training; program development; and public education. Examples of materials include a report offering guiding principles that can help Head Start staff promote health literacy, a paper discussing strategies for integrating oral health care and primary care for populations with low health literacy, and a guide describing a program that encourages parents to have a nighttime routine that includes brushing their young child’s teeth and reading them a book before bed. A list of relevant organizations is included. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 51. This bulletin features materials on data and surveillance; policy; professional education, tools, and training; program development; and public education. Examples of materials include a fact sheet providing information on the oral health of Medicaid and Children’s Oral Health Program (CHIP) beneficiaries, a brief about minimally invasive oral health care, and a snapshot offering information on how states can increase access to oral health care by supporting and expanding their oral health workforce. |
A Way with Words: Tips for Writing Easy-to-Understand Oral Health Materials. This handout provides tips to help professionals write oral health materials that are easy for people to understand. It provides ideas about words to use and not use, tone, voice, and layout. Writing headings, sentences, and paragraphs and incorporating technical words are also discussed. |
Policy Statement: Integrating Oral Health Care Into Primary Care. This policy statement focuses on integrating oral health care into primary care. It provides a summary of the issue, presents the problem of pervasively poor oral health among pregnant women and children from families with low incomes, and discusses opportunities to address this problem by integrating oral health care into primary care. Examples of a national initiative and statewide programs that are working to integrate oral health care into primary care are included, and the role of state and territorial oral health programs in this effort is discussed. The policy statement was produced by the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors and OHRC with funding provided by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. |
Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Using PRAMS to Collect Population-Based Data is the latest issue in the Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy series. This issue focuses on the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), a surveillance project that collects population-based data on maternal and child health indicators. It describes the PRAMS questionnaire and PRAMS alternative questionnaires and features resources, including publications and data dashboards, that states have produced to share their PRAMS findings. |
School-Based Dental Sealant Program Training includes four modules designed to help school-based dental sealant program staff understand the history, operations, and underlying fundamentals of these programs. The modules provide information about infection control, tooth surface assessment and selection, and materials and application techniques. A completion or continuing education certificate can be earned with successful completion of the training. The training now contains step-by-step techniques used to apply dental sealants, which were formerly found in the Seal America manual. |
Seal America: The Prevention Invention—Fourth Edition is a manual with information for health professionals who are initiating and implementing a program to prevent tooth decay in children and adolescents. Health professionals working in established programs may also find the manual of interest as they work to improve specific aspects of their program. |
Best Practice Approach: Early Childhood Caries: Prevention and Management discusses the strengths and weaknesses of current early childhood caries (ECC) management strategies and outlines a vision for the future of oral health care that emphasizes innovative prevention and treatment, expanded outreach, and a value-based payment system. The report was produced by the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors, CareQuest Institute for Oral Health, and OHRC with funding provided by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. |
Networks for Oral Health Integration (NOHI) Within the MCH Safety Net—Overview and Project Profiles: Update 2023 [see latest edition of the publications] provides information about the NOHI program and each of the three projects. The goal of the initiative is to improve access to and use of oral health care for pregnant women, infants, and children at high risk for oral disease.
Networks for Oral Health Integration (NOHI) Within the Maternal and Child Health Safety Net: Environmental Scan 2023 Chartbook contains data about factors that could impact the integration of oral health care into primary care for pregnant women, infants, and children at high risk for oral disease in 11 states and Washington, DC, as part of the Networks for Oral Health Integration (NOHI) Within the MCH Safety Net. A set of project chartbooks complements the 12 state/jurisdiction chartbook.
Promoting Oral Health in Schools: A Resource Guide features materials on data and surveillance; policy; professional education, tools, and training; program development; and public education. Examples of materials include a toolkit to help improve the quality of school meals, best practice reports about school-based dental sealant programs and about use of fluoride in schools, and a curriculum for students in kindergarten through grades 10. |
Snapshot of the U.S. Jurisdictions’ Activities Addressing Title V National Performance Measure 13 (Oral Health) During Fiscal Year 2022 highlights activities conducted by American Samoa, Guam, the Marshall Islands, Palau, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The report presents a snapshot of jurisdictions’ experiences with implementing strategies to promote preventive dental visits for pregnant women, children, and adolescents. Challenges, accomplishments, and technical assistance needs related to each jurisdiction are discussed. |
Fluoride Varnish for Adults: Q&A is a one-page handout providing information in English and in Spanish that health professionals can share with adults, including pregnant women, about how fluoride varnish can make their teeth more resistant to tooth decay. The handout explains what fluoride varnish is and discusses its safety. It also addresses things to avoid after it is applied to teeth, how long it lasts, how often it should be applied, and whether it is covered by dental insurance. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 50 features carefully vetted materials on data and surveillance, policy, professional education and practice, program development, and public awareness and education. Examples of materials include a brief about providing dental coverage for adults in state Medicaid programs; a report about a national strategy on hunger, nutrition, and health, including oral health; and a tool kit and action plan for reducing oral health disparities. |
Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Update on Activities—February 2023 presents federal policies and programs focused on ensuring that overall health care, including oral health care, is available to women during pregnancy and the postpartum period and summaries of national and state resources and journal articles. Past issues are available online. |
Open Wide: Oral Health Training for Health Professionals and Early Childhood Professionals—Second Edition, is a series of four modules designed to help professionals working in programs (e.g., Head Start, home visiting, WIC) promote oral health in the course of promoting overall health for children from birth to age 6. The curriculum presents information about tooth decay, risk factors, and prevention; explains how to perform an oral health risk assessment and screening; and highlights anticipatory guidance to share with parents. |
Networks for Oral Health Integration (NOHI) Within the MCH Safety Net—Overview and Project Profiles: Update 2022 provides information about the NOHI projects and each of the three projects. The goal of the initiative is to improve access to and use of oral health care for pregnant women, infants, and children at high risk for oral disease. |
Opioids and Children and Adolescents: Information for Oral Health Professionals provides best practices for care on drugs to recommend before prescribing opioids and information about prescribing opioids with caution and being aware of the potential for misuse or abuse. It also discusses the importance of understanding laws, policies, and recommendations. The brief updates the version published in 2019. |
Opioids and Pregnant Women: Information for Oral Health Professionals provides guidance about prescribing opioids to pregnant women, if pain management is needed. The brief includes pharmacological considerations for pregnant women, information about neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome, and guidelines for prescribing opioids. It also includes information about prescription drug monitoring programs, managing acute dental pain, and recommendations for discharging women with prescriptions. The brief updates the version published in 2018. |
Considerations for Identifying Pregnancies in Claims Data for Oral Health Care Quality Measurement provides information about two oral health quality measures for pregnant women that the Dental Quality Alliance (DQA) has developed. The paper explains why oral health care during pregnancy and the development of related oral health care quality measures are important, as well as how health care quality measures are reported. It also discusses identifying pregnant women in claims data for denominator inclusion, determining enrollment requirements for denominator inclusion, determining the time frame for receipt of recommended services for numerator inclusion, and the impact of benefits coverage on identification services for numerator inclusion. The report was produced by the Dental Quality Alliance and OHRC with funding provided by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 49 features materials on data and surveillance, policy, professional education and practice, program development, and public awareness and education. Examples of materials include a set of chartbooks containing data that could impact the integration of oral health care into primary care, an infographic and a resource guide about oral health and health equity, and a best practice report about school dental sealant programs. |
Best Practice Approach: School-Based Dental Sealant Programs offers information about school dental sealant programs, including school-based, school-linked, and hybrid programs. The report includes a rationale for sealant programs; guidelines, recommendations, and evidence reviews to support the establishment of school-based programs; and considerations to take into account when implementing school-based programs. It also highlights 14 practice examples from across the country illustrating strategies and interventions for school-based programs. The report was produced by the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors and OHRC with funding provided by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. |
Title V National Performance Measure 13 (Oral Health): Fiscal Year 2021 Snapshot highlights states’ experiences with implementing strategies to address NPM 13. It also presents challenges, lessons learned, and accomplishments in promoting preventive dental visits for pregnant women and children and adolescents, ages 1 through 17. |
Networks for Oral Health Integration (NOHI) Within the Maternal and Child Health Safety Net: Environmental Scan 2021–2022 Chartbook [see the latest edition of the publication] |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 48 features materials on data and surveillance, policy, professional education and practice, program development, public awareness and education, and systems integration. Examples of materials include an oral-health-policy equity tool, an implementation toolkit for national performance measure 13, and a blueprint for structural improvement designed to rebuild the national oral health care system. |
Advancing Oral Health Equity: A Resource Guide provides an overview of the topic and features descriptions of and links to materials on data and surveillance, policy, professional education and training, and state and local efforts. It also includes descriptions of organizations that can provide additional support for activities that promote health equity. |
Strategies for Improving the Oral Health System of Care for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs—Second Edition provides strategies for professionals providing care and planning, developing, or implementing state and community efforts to ensure that children and youth with SHCN receive optimal oral health care. |
Promoting Oral Health in Young Children: A Resource Guide—Third Edition provides an overview of the topic and features descriptions of and links to materials on data and surveillance, policy, professional education and training, public education, and state and local programs. It also includes descriptions of organizations that can provide additional support for activities that promote the availability of high-quality oral health care for young children. |
Healthy Habits for Happy Smiles is a series of handouts for pregnant women and parents of infants and young children that provides simple tips on oral health issues. Topics include establishing a bedtime routine, the importance of oral health treatment, helping children stop using a pacifier, and visiting the dentist by age 1. The series is available in English and in Spanish. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 47 features materials on the COVID-19 pandemic, data and surveillance, policy, professional education and practice, program development, public awareness and education, and systems integration. Examples of materials include a curriculum for community oral health care coordinators, a handbook for school oral health programs, a toolkit on community water fluoridation, and a user’s guide on teledentistry. |
Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Update on Activities—October 2021 highlights national, state, and local activities focusing on oral health care for pregnant women. The update presents passed federal and state legislation related to ensuring that oral health care is available to women during pregnancy and the postpartum period and summaries of national and state resources and journal articles. |
The Partnership for Integrating Oral Health Care into Primary Care Project 2019–2021: Final Report provides information about the implementation of the Partnership for Integrating Oral Health Care into Primary Care project, details project findings and strategies to integrate oral health care into primary care, and highlights technical assistance provided to and feedback received from project teams. |
Dental Sealants: A Resource Guide—Fifth Edition features materials on policy, practice guidance, professional education and training, public education, and state and local programs to help promote the use of dental sealants. It also includes descriptions of organizations that can provide additional support. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 46 features materials on the COVID-19 pandemic, data and surveillance, policy, professional education and practice, program development, public awareness and education, and systems integration. Examples of materials include information for parents about promoting good oral health for their child and taking their child to the dental office during the pandemic, an oral-health-policy equity tool, an infographic about the benefits of community water fluoridation, a compendium of rural oral health best practices, and a series of handouts about keeping teeth healthy across generations. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 45 features materials on the COVID-19 pandemic, surveillance, policy, professional education and practice, program development, public awareness and education, and systems integration. Examples of materials include best practices for infection control in dental clinics during the pandemic, a toolkit for Title V program staff and other stakeholders to help address the national performance measure on oral health, a nationwide survey of teledentistry regulations, and a toolkit for improving oral health outcomes by integrating medical care and oral health care. |
Integrating Oral Health Care into Primary Care: A Resource Guide [archived; see latest edition of the publication] features resources to help health professionals, program administrators, and others implement oral health care integration in materials, programs, and systems of care. It features descriptions of and links to materials on surveillance, policy, practice guidance, practice tools, professional education and training, and program development. It also includes descriptions of organizations that can provide additional support for activities to promote the integration of oral health care into primary care. |
Title V National Performance Measure 13 (Oral Health): Strategies for Success—Second Edition provides information to help state maternal and child health programs in their implementation of the Title V NPM 13 and oral-health-related state performance measures. It offers sample strategies for providing preventive dental visits for pregnant women and children and adolescents ages 1–17. The second edition includes new strategies for using teledentistry to provide preventive oral health care. For all strategies, the report presents sample evidence-based or evidence-informed strategy measures (ESMs), possible data sources for ESMs, and a comprehensive list of resources. |
Oral Health Care During Pregnancy: A Resource Guide—Third Edition was produced to help promote oral health and prevent oral disease in pregnant women, as well as to help pregnant women achieve the best possible oral health for themselves and their infants. It features descriptions of and links to materials on surveillance, policy, practice guidance, practice tools, professional education and training, program development, and public education. It also includes materials produced by the National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center and descriptions of organizations that can provide additional support for activities to promote oral health care for pregnant women and their infants. |
These colorful handouts provide clear messages with photos about healthy eating and oral hygiene practices at home and about changes to dental offices to promote the safety of staff and patients during COVID-19. |
These infographics, available in English and in Spanish, provide information for oral health professionals about benefits of and barriers to preventive dental visits for pregnant women and children and adolescents ages 1–17. The resources can be shared with program administrators and other stakeholders to raise their awareness about the importance of preventive dental visits to reduce oral health problems and unnecessary treatment expenses. |
Networks for Oral Health Integration—Overview and Project Profiles [see latest edition of the publication] provides an overview of a 5-year initiative to improve access to and utilization of comprehensive, high-quality oral health care in community health centers for target populations (i.e., pregnant women, infants and children from birth to age 40 months, children ages 6–11) at high risk for oral disease. The report includes a profile of each of the three projects: Midwest Network for Oral Health Integration (Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, and Ohio); Rocky Mountain Oral Health Network (Arizona, Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming); and Transforming Oral Health for Families (District of Columbia, Maryland, New York, and Virginia). |
Oral Health Quality Indicators for the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Population presents MCH oral health quality indicators for use by state oral health programs. The indicators constitute a standardized and aligned quality measurement system designed to promote state efforts to monitor and improve the quality of oral health care for the MCH population. |
Implementation Toolkit for National Performance Measure 13 contains strategic approaches to help state Title V program staff and others address national performance measure 13 (13.1: percentage of women who had a preventive dental visit during pregnancy and 13.2: percentage of children and adolescents, ages 1–17, who had a preventive dental visit in the past year). The strategic approaches include working with state and local associations, community-based programs, and primary care settings. The toolkit also contains resources to support efforts addressing NPM 13. The toolkit was produced by the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs and the National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 44 lists selected oral health resources on data and surveillance, federal grant reports, policy, professional education and practice, professional client-education tools, program development, public awareness, and systems integration. |
Nutrition and Oral Health: A Resource Guide provides information to assist health professionals, program administrators, educators, parents, and others in promoting good eating and oral health practices to help prevent oral disease in pregnant women, infants, children, and adolescents. |
Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Update on Activities—May 2020 highlights national, state, and local activities focusing on oral health care for pregnant women. The update presents a timeline of national and state activities to raise awareness of the importance of oral health during pregnancy and to increase access to and utilization of oral health care for pregnant women that took place between 2004 and 2020. The timeline is not an exhaustive list, but it illustrates the abundance of activities that have been conducted during this period. |
Oral Health Services for Children and Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs: A Resource Guide—Fourth Edition provides information for health professionals to assist them in planning, developing, and implementing efforts to ensure that children and adolescents with special health care needs receive optimal oral health care. The resource guide is divided into two sections. The first section describes materials, including brochures, fact sheets, guides, manuals, and reports. The second section lists federal agencies, resource centers, and national professional associations that may serve as resources. |
Title V National Performance Measure 13 (Oral Health): Strategies for Success [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides detailed information to help state maternal and child health programs in their implementation of the Title V national performance measure on oral health (NPM 13) and oral-health-related state performance measures. It provides sample strategies for addressing NPM 13.1 (preventive dental visit for pregnant women) and 13.2 (preventive dental visit for children and adolescents, ages 1–17). The resource also provides sample evidence-based or evidence- informed strategy measures (ESMs); possible data sources for ESMs; and a selection of resources, including best practice approach reports, curricula, guides, manuals, and risk assessments, and contacts for more assistance. |
Fluoride Varnish and Silver Diamine Fluoride: A Resource Guide provides descriptions of materials on data and surveillance, professional education and training, and public education. Descriptions of and contact information for relevant organizations are also included.
Best Practice Approach: Perinatal Oral Health provides a description of perinatal oral health, including its significance and background, barriers to accessing oral health care for this population, and a strategic framework for improving perinatal oral health. It also includes guidelines and recommendations, research evidence, best practice criteria, state practice examples, and a logic model. The report was produced by the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors and the National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center.
Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Update on Activities highlights national, state, and local activities focusing on oral health care for pregnant women. The update provides information about activities of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau–funded Partnership for Integrating Oral Health Care into Primary Care project, which is working with project teams to implement strategies to integrate interprofessional oral health core clinical competencies into primary care and ultimately improve access to oral health care.
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 43 lists selected oral health resources on data and surveillance, policy, professional education and practice, program development, and public awareness. |
The Maternal and Child Health Bureau–Funded Perinatal and Infant Oral Health Quality Improvement (PIOHQI) Initiative 2013–2019: Final Report describes the achievements of 16 projects funded through the PIOHQI initiative to improve oral health for pregnant women and infants, lessons the projects learned, and resources they produced. It provides examples of project achievements and successes in seven strategy areas: network development; workforce enhancement; community outreach; process and procedure development; program development; state practice guidance development; and data collection, evaluation, and reporting. Also presented are examples of PIOHQI activities included in Best Practice Approach: Perinatal Oral Health and selected resources produced by the projects. |
Identifying and Implementing Oral Health Quality Indicators for the Maternal and Child Health Population: 2018–2019 focuses on maternal and child health quality indicators to monitor oral health services delivered in public health programs and systems of care. |
Opioids and Children and Adolescents: Information for Oral Health Professionals [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides best practices for care on drugs to recommend before prescribing opioids and information about prescribing opioids with caution and being aware of the potential for misuse or abuse. It also discusses the importance of understanding laws, policies, and recommendations. |
Promoting Oral Health in Schools: A Resource Guide—Fourth Edition [archived; see latest edition of the publication] features descriptions of and links to materials on care, dental sealants, education, fluorides, program development, surveillance, and federally funded project final reports. It also includes descriptions of organizations that can provide additional support for activities to promote oral health in schools. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 42 lists selected oral health resources on data and surveillance, policy, professional education and practice, program development, and public awareness. |
Prescribing Opioids for Women of Reproductive Age: Information for Dentists [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides an overview of pain management for dental procedures for women of reproductive age and discusses pharmacological considerations for pregnant women. It also discusses neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome, guidelines for providing opioids, managing acute dental pain, guidelines for discharging women with opioid prescriptions, and information about prescription-drug-monitoring programs. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 41 lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
The resources below focus on maternal and child health quality indicators to monitor oral health services delivered in public health programs and systems of care. |
A Healthy Smile for Your Young Child: Tips to Keep Your Child Healthy is now available in German. This brochure is designed to educate parents and other caregivers of young children about oral hygiene and oral care during early childhood. Topics include toothbrushing, flossing, eating healthy foods, and getting dental checkups and treatment. Additional topics include the importance of primary teeth, tips to help parents keep their own mouths healthy, and resources for finding a dentist. The brochure is available in English, German, and Spanish. Tips for Good Oral Health During Pregnancy is now available in German. It provides information and resources to help women take care of their oral health during pregnancy. Topics include getting oral health care, practicing good oral hygiene, eating healthy foods, and practicing other healthy behaviors. The tip sheet also encourages women to take care of their infant's gums and teeth and to ask their pediatric health professional to check their infant's mouth starting at age 6 months and to provide a referral to a dentist for urgent care. A list of resources is included. |
School-Based Dental Sealant Programs—Second Edition [archived; see latest edition of the modules] is a series of modules designed to ensure that school-based dental sealant program staff have a thorough understanding of the history, operations, and underlying principles of these programs. The modules provide detailed guidelines for infection control in school-based programs; discuss tooth selection and assessment for dental sealants; review the dental-sealant-application process; and provide information about program operations, with an emphasis on the specific requirements that apply to programs funded by the Ohio Department of Health. |
Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Update on Activities—May 2018 is the seventh in a series of updates to highlight national, state, and local activities focusing on oral health care for pregnant women. The update describes peer-reviewed journal articles and state-produced resources focusing on issues related to oral health during pregnancy.
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 40 lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Promoting Oral Health in Young Children: A Resource Guide—Second Edition provides information for health professionals to assist them in planning, developing, and implementing efforts to ensure that children receive optimal oral health care. The resource guide describes materials, including brochures, fact sheets, guides, manuals, and reports as well as federal agencies, resource centers, and national professional associations that may serve as resources. |
Safety Net Dental Clinic Manual—Second Edition is designed to help dental clinic staff with all aspects of clinic development and ongoing operations. Chapter topics include essential elements, facilities and staffing, finances, administrative operations, quality management, and clinical operations. |
Special Care: An Oral Health Professional’s Guide to Serving Children with Special Health Care Needs—Second Edition is a series of five modules that provide oral health professionals with information about children with special health care needs and oral health, oral health supervision, prevention of oral disease, and behavior guidance. The curriculum can help fulfill dental education and dental hygiene education program requirements for continuing education on the management and treatment of patients with special health care needs. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 39 lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Tips for Good Oral Health During Pregnancy is now available in Arabic, Chuukese, Korean, Portuguese, Samoan, and Vietnamese. It provides information and resources to help women take care of their oral health during pregnancy. Topics include getting oral health care, practicing good oral hygiene, eating healthy foods, and practicing other healthy behaviors. The tip sheet also encourages women to take care of their infant's gums and teeth and ask their pediatric health professional to check their infant's mouth starting at age 6 months and to provide a referral to a dentist for urgent care. A list of resources is included. |
Healthy Futures: Engaging the Oral Health Community in Childhood Obesity Prevention National Conference—Executive Summary provides an overview, agenda, and key findings of the conference held November 3–4, 2016, at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. It also presents a list of proposed strategies in the following areas: research, dental students’ education and training, oral health professionals’ continuing education and training, advocacy/policy, consumer-based education interventions, interprofessional collaboration, and reimbursement. The Journal of Public Health Dentistry includes nine articles prepared for the conference that identified through systematic reviews or scoping reviews the state of the science related to preventing childhood obesity and reducing children’s consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and strategies that oral health professionals and organizations can employ to prevent childhood obesity. The articles examine (1) the state of the science related to preventing childhood obesity, (2) the state of the science related to reducing children’s consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages or sugar-containing beverages, and (3) strategies that could be employed by oral health professionals, organizations, and others to prevent childhood obesity. An introduction, a conference summary, and recommendations are also included. |
Oral Health Care During Pregnancy: A Resource Guide—Second Edition [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides information about efforts to ensure that pregnant women receive optimal oral health care. The first section lists journal articles; the second section describes materials, including brochures and handouts, guidelines, meeting summaries, mobile services, policy briefs, program reports, tools, and webcasts and webinars; and the third section lists federal agencies, national professional associations, resource centers, and national coalitions that may serve as resources. |
Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Update on Activities—May 2017 highlights national, state, and local activities focusing on oral health care for pregnant women. The update provides information about the Perinatal and Infant Oral Health Quality Improvement Initiative, dissemination and use of Oral Health Care During Pregnancy: A National Consensus Statement, and resources related to pregnancy and oral health. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 38 lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Dental Sealants: A Resource Guide—Fourth Edition [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides information for health professionals, program administrators, educators, policymakers, and others about the use and application of dental sealants. The first section describes materials; the second section lists federal agencies, national professional associations, and resource centers that may serve as resources; and the third section lists materials on dental sealants produced by the National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 37 lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Be an Oral Health Champion is a booklet geared toward Head Start staff. The booklet is designed to help Head Start staff become aware of problems children with poor oral health may experience and to provide them with ideas for how they can promote optimal oral health and prevent oral disease in young children. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 36 lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Seal America: The Prevention Invention—Third Edition [archived; see latest edition of the manual] is a manual designed to help health professionals initiate and implement a school-based dental sealant program to prevent tooth decay in children. |
Fluoride Varnish: A Resource Guide—Second Edition [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides information about the use and application of fluoride varnish. The guide is divided into the following three sections: (1) materials, (2) organizations, and (3) materials from the National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center. Each entry includes bibliographic information, an annotation, and contact information. |
Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Update on Activities—September 2016 highlights national, state, and local activities focusing on oral health care for pregnant women. The update provides information about the Perinatal and Infant Oral Health Quality Improvement Initiative, dissemination, and news and resources related to pregnancy and oral health. |
Bright Futures: Oral—Health Pocket Guide—Third Edition is designed to be a useful tool for health professionals, including dentists, dental hygienists, physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, dietitians, and others, in addressing the oral health needs of pregnant and postpartum women, infants, children, and adolescents. |
Promoting Oral Health in Schools: A Resource Guide—Third Edition [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides references to journal articles, reports and other materials, and organizations to help health professionals, program administrators, educators, and others promote oral health and prevent oral disease in school-age children and adolescents. |
Head Start Oral Health Curricula: Choose and Use [archived] provides information about oral-health-related curricula appropriate for use in Early Head Start and Head Start programs. |
Integrating Sustainable Oral Health Services into Primary Care in School-Based Health Centers: A Framework demonstrates the successful integration of comprehensive oral health care into primary care in existing school-based health centers (SBHCs) and offers ideas for SBHCs to consider when integrating sustainable comprehensive oral health care into primary care to improve the quality of oral health care for school-age children and adolescents. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 35 lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
It Shouldn't Hurt to Be a Child: Preventing Early Childhood Caries (ECC) includes statements supported by references from the recent professional literature that can be integrated into a brief or report, a proposal, or a presentation. Topics include what ECC is and who is at risk, the costs of ECC, and how ECC risk can be reduced. |
Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Update on Activities—February 2016 highlights national, state, and local activities focusing on oral health care for pregnant women. The update provides information about the Perinatal and Infant Oral Health Quality Improvement Initiative and presents news and resources related to pregnancy and oral health. |
Tips for Good Oral Health During Pregnancy is now available in Chinese and Russian. It provides information and resources to help women take care of their oral health during pregnancy. Topics include getting oral health care, practicing good oral hygiene, eating healthy foods, and practicing other healthy behaviors. The tip sheet also encourages women to take care of their infant's gums and teeth and to ask their pediatric health professional to check their infant's mouth starting at age 6 months and to provide a referral to a dentist for urgent care. A list of resources is included. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 34 lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Update on Activities—October 2015 highlights national, state, and local activities focusing on oral health care for pregnant women. The update provides information about the second phase of the Perinatal and Infant Oral Health Quality Improvement Initiative, dissemination, and presents resources related to pregnancy and oral health. Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Update on Activities—June 2015 highlights national, state, and local activities focusing on oral health care for pregnant women. The update provides information about the first phase of the Perinatal and Infant Oral Health Quality Improvement Initiative, dissemination, and news and resources related to pregnancy and oral health. Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy: Update on Activities—February 2015 highlights national, state, and local activities focusing on oral health care for pregnant women. The update provides information about federal agencies' and national organizations' efforts to promote oral health during pregnancy and presents resources related to pregnancy and oral health. |
Healthy Habits for Happy Smiles is a series of handouts for pregnant women and parents of infants and young children that provides simple tips on oral health issues. Topics include finding a dental clinic, giving first aid for oral injuries, healthy snacks, oral health during pregnancy, oral health care for babies, and toothbrushing tips for children with a disability. |
Mighty Tooth School-Based Dental Sealant Training Program is a series of five modules designed to ensure that school-based dental sealant program staff in Maryland have a thorough understanding of the history, operations, and underlying principles of school-based programs.
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 33 lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Healthy Habits for Happy Smiles is a series of handouts for parents of infants and young children that provides simple tips on oral health issues. Topics include managing teething pain, brushing children's teeth, choosing healthy drinks, getting fluoride, preventing oral injuries, and visiting the dental clinic. The series is available in English and in Spanish. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 32 lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Oral Health for Children and Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs: Challenges and Opportunities addresses topics including unmet oral health care needs, oral health and general health and well-being, barriers to oral health care such as lack of insurance or qualified health professionals, and how Medicaid and other publicly financed reimbursement methods offer opportunities for care. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 31 lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
A Healthy Smile for Your Young Child: Tips to Keep Your Child Healthy is designed to educate parents and other caregivers of young children about oral hygiene and oral care during early childhood. Topics include toothbrushing, flossing, eating healthy foods, and getting dental checkups and treatment. Additional topics include the importance of primary teeth, tips to help parents keep their own mouths healthy, and resources for finding a dentist. The brochure is available in English and in Spanish. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume 30 lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Promoting Oral Health in Schools: A Resource Guide—Second Edition [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides references to journal articles, reports and other materials, and organizations to help health professionals, program administrators, educators, researchers, policymakers, parents, and others working in school settings prevent disease and promote oral health in children and adolescents. |
Promoting Oral Health in Young Children: A Resource Guide [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides information about oral health and hygiene in young children. The first section lists journal articles. The second section describes materials, including brochures and handouts, guidelines, meeting summaries, mobile services, policy briefs, program reports, tools, and webcasts and webinars. The third section lists federal agencies, national professional associations, resource centers, and national coalitions that may serve as resources. |
Oral Health and Learning: When Children's Oral Health Suffers, So Does Their Ability to Learn—Third Edition presents information on the effects of poor oral health on learning in school-age children. Topics include the impact of poor oral health on school performance and social relationships, nutrition and learning, school attendance and learning, and programs for improving oral health. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume XXIX lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Tips for Good Oral Health During Pregnancy is now available in English and Spanish. It provides information and resources to help women take care of their oral health during pregnancy. Topics include getting oral health care, practicing good oral hygiene, eating healthy foods, and practicing other healthy behaviors. The tip sheet also encourages women to take care of their infant's gums and teeth and ask their pediatric health professional to check their infant's mouth starting at age 6 months and to provide a referral to a dentist for urgent care. A list of resources is included. |
Targeted MCH Oral Health Service System Project Highlights features activities and products from 20 Targeted Oral Health Service System projects funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau from 2008 to 2011 to foster statewide approaches to prevent oral diseases and to promote sustainability of oral health programs. Topics include increasing age 1 dental visits for children at greatest risk for oral disease, improving access to oral health care for children with special health care needs, and ensuring restorative treatment of active disease through dental sealant programs. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume XXVIII lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Oral Health Care During Pregnancy: A National Consensus Statement and Summary of an Expert Workgroup Meeting are intended to help professionals working in states and communities plan, develop, and implement programs to assist in ensuring that pregnant women receive optimal oral health care. |
Oral Health Care During Pregnancy: A Resource Guide [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides information about efforts to ensure that pregnant women receive optimal oral health care. The first section lists journal articles; the second section describes materials, including brochures and handouts, guidelines, meeting summaries, mobile services, policy briefs, program reports, tools, and webcasts and webinars; and the third section lists federal agencies, national professional associations, resource centers, and national coalitions that may serve as resources. |
Child and Adolescent Oral Health Issues provides information on current issues in child and adolescent oral health. Topics include access to care, children and adolescents with special health care needs, dental caries, fluoride, dental sealants, injury and violence, and tobacco. |
Oral Health in Head Start: A Resource Guide—Second Edition provides information to help those working in states and communities in planning, developing, and implementing efforts to ensure that pregnant women, infants, and children enrolled in Head Start receive optimal oral health care. The guide is divided into the following three sections: (1) journal articles, (2) materials, and (3) agencies and organizations that may serve as resources. Each entry includes bibliographic information, an annotation, and contact information. |
Leadership and Legacy: Oral Health Milestones in Maternal and Child Health presents a timeline of significant events in the United States that have had an impact on the oral health and, ultimately, the overall health and well-being of children, adolescents, women, and families. The milestones are organized by year (from 1840 to the present) and can be viewed using the index page or by selecting a specific year. |
Strategies to Improve Collaboration Between State Oral Health Programs and Head Start State Collaboration Offices provides background information on state oral health programs and Head Start state collaboration offices. It discusses how the relationship between the two has developed to date and outcomes of collaboration and provides recommendations for further collaboration. |
Oral Health Services for Children and Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs: A Resource Guide—Second Edition [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides information to help health professionals plan, develop, and implement efforts to ensure that children and adolescents with special health care needs receive optimal oral health care. The guide is divided into the following three sections: (1) journal articles, (2) materials, and (3) agencies and organizations that may serve as resources. Each entry includes bibliographic information, an annotation, and contact information. |
Seal America: The Prevention Invention—Second Edition, Revised [archived; see latest edition of the publication] is a manual designed to help health professionals initiate and implement a school-based dental sealant program to prevent tooth decay in children. |
Be an Oral Health Champion: How School-Based Clinic Staff Can Help Students Achieve Good Oral Health lists problems that poor oral health may cause. It also offers tips for promoting oral health with students and parents, for incorporating oral health into the school setting, and for working with others in the community. |
Comprehensive Oral Health Services for Improving Children's and Adolescents' Oral Health Through School-Based Health Centers provides an overview of comprehensive oral health care offered in school-based health centers to assist those interested in initiating and implementing such centers. Topics include an overview and history of school-based health care, examples of national and state programs, administration, partnership and collaboration, financial and nonfinancial support, and evaluation. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume XXIV lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Oral Health for Infants, Children, Adolescents, and Pregnant Women: Knowledge Path [archived] describes current, high-quality resources that analyze data, describe effective programs, and report on policy and research.
Dental Sealant Resource Guide—Third Edition [archived] provides information about dental sealants and promotes their use in preventing dental caries. The guide lists journal articles, materials, and organizations that may serve as additional resources. |
Preventing Tooth Decay and Saving Teeth with Dental Sealants—Third Edition provides information for health professionals, program administrators, educators, and policymakers on the use of dental sealants in preventing tooth decay and in arresting the progression of decay. It also discusses strategies for improving awareness of dental sealants, costs and benefits related to the application of dental sealants, access-to-care issues, and school- and community-based dental-sealant programs. |
Maryland's Mouths Matter Fluoride Varnish and Oral Health Screening Program for Kids—Training for EPSDT Medical Providers in Maryland is a series of four modules designed to provide Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) health professionals with knowledge needed to reduce the incidence of dental caries among children ages 3 and under and to contribute to the establishment of a dental home. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume XXIII lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Fluoride Varnish: A Resource Guide [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides information about the use and application of fluoride varnish. The guide is divided into the following three sections: (1) journal articles, (2) materials, and (3) agencies and organizations that may serve as resources. Each entry includes bibliographic information, an annotation, and contact information. |
Fluoride Varnish: An Effective Tool for Preventing Dental Caries is a fact sheet that provides information about fluoride varnish and its uses, effectiveness, safety, service delivery, and reimbursement for health professionals and oral health professionals. |
Pain and Suffering Shouldn't Be an Option: School-Based and School-Linked Oral Health Services for Children and Adolescents is a fact sheet for health professionals, program administrators, and policymakers. It provides information about the importance of good oral health during childhood and adolescence. Topics discussed include school readiness, disparities, oral trauma, nutrition, dental sealants, fluoride varnish, and school-based and school-linked oral health care. |
Be an Oral Health Champion [archived; see latest edition of the publication] is a booklet geared toward Head Start staff that is designed to help Head Start staff become aware of problems children with poor oral health may experience and to provide staff with ideas for how they can promote optimal oral health and prevent oral disease in young children. |
Be an Oral Health Champion is a poster, available to download and print, geared toward Head Start staff. It is designed to help Head Start staff become aware of problems children with poor oral health may experience and to provide staff with ideas for how they can promote optimal oral health and prevent oral disease. An updated version in booklet form is also available. |
Two Healthy Smiles: Tips to Keep You and Your Baby Healthy is a brochure designed to educate women about the importance of oral hygiene and oral health care during pregnancy. Topics include brushing, flossing, eating healthy foods, and getting dental check-ups and treatment. Additional topics include the impact of hormonal changes during pregnancy on gum health, caring for an infant’s gums and teeth, and finding a dentist. The brochure is available in English and in Spanish. A Healthy Smile for Your Baby: Tips to Keep Your Baby Healthy is designed to educate expecting and new parents about the importance of oral hygiene and oral care during infancy. Topics include caring for an infant’s gums and teeth, giving healthy foods, and getting a dental checkup by age 1. Additional topics include the importance of primary teeth, tips to help parents keep their own mouths healthy, and resources for finding a dentist. The brochure is available in English and in Spanish. |
The Dental Home: Summary from an MCHB Expert Meeting summarizes a meeting of experts held September 18 and 19, 2008, in Washington, DC, to define the concept of a dental home. Topics include exploring the concept as it relates to the philosophy and goals of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, the relationships between the medical and dental home concepts, and concepts defining and establishing dental homes and identifying promising practices and programs for implementing dental homes. |
Oral Health for Children with Special Health Care Needs: Priorities for Action—Recommendations from an MCHB Expert Meeting summarizes strategies and key partners for improving the oral health of children with special health care needs as well as the oral health care delivery system for this population in three priority areas: medical home and dental home interface, education and training, and financing. |
Promoting Oral Health in Schools: A Resource Guide [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides references to journal articles, reports and other materials, and organizations to help health professionals, program administrators, educators, researchers, policymakers, parents, and others working in school settings prevent disease and promote oral health in children and adolescents. |
School-Based Dental Sealant Programs [archived] is a curriculum designed to provide school-based dental sealant program staff with an understanding of the history, operations, and underlying principles of programs funded by the Ohio Department of Health (ODH). Contents include guidelines for infection control, tooth selection and assessment for dental sealants, the dental-sealant-application process, and program operations, with an emphasis on the specific requirements that apply to programs funded by ODH. Caries Prevention, Risk Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment [archived] is a series of five modules that provide a framework for assessing an individual's risk for dental caries and determining prevention, treatment, and education strategies based on that individual's risk category. The modules also include information about dental caries prevention, examination, restorative treatment, and recall intervals. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume XXII lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume XXI lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
Oral Health Care for Young Children [archived] is a series of four modules that provide health professionals with information about prevention, risk assessment, and anticipatory guidance. Behavior management, providing restorative treatment, and managing emergency dental care are also addressed. Financial Management for Safety Net Dental Clinics [archived] is a series of five self-study modules that present clinic staff with information about strategic planning; revenue; expenses; managing finances; and grants, contracts, and fundraising. The modules provide information about developing a business plan and include links to a budget-planning spreadsheet that allows users to enter and analyze data and save the analysis of the financial impacts of different decisions, assumptions, and costs. Guidance is offered on estimating revenue and expenses, developing a budget, and assessing financial sustainability. Clinical Operations for Safety Net Dental Clinics [archived] is a series of six modules that provide detailed guidelines for developing a policies and procedures manual, a staff handbook, and information about recruiting and retaining staff. The modules also present information on the importance of health records, including their vital role in malpractice cases, and on how to efficiently purchase, stock, and track supplies. In addition, the modules contain detailed information on effective appointment scheduling and on how to handle hazardous substances and plan for emergencies in the clinic setting. |
Oral Health Care During Pregnancy: A Summary of Practice Guidelines [archived] summarizes the New York State Department of Health’s publication, Oral Health Care During Pregnancy and Early Childhood: Practice Guidelines, which is geared toward prenatal professionals and oral health professionals. The guidelines are intended to bring about changes in the health-care-delivery system and to improve the standard of care for pregnant women. |
Access to Oral Health Care During the Perinatal Period: A Policy Brief was developed to help health professionals and the public better understand the importance of oral health during the perinatal period. The brief describes barriers to accessing oral health care and information—including myths and misperceptions—and presents potential solutions. |
Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume XX lists selected oral health resources that are available for health professionals, program administrators, policymakers, and educators in the maternal and child health community. |
The Bellwether: Leading Local Efforts to Improve the Nation's Oral Health is the newsletter of the American Association for Community Dental Programs. |
A Way with Words: Guidelines for Writing Oral Health Materials for Audiences with Limited Literacy provides ideas to help those who produce oral-health-educational materials make the materials easy for everyone to understand. |
Head Start Oral Health Curricula at-a-Glance [archived] compares components of oral-health-related curricula appropriate for use in Head Start programs. For each curriculum, the matrix specifies the title, audience, topics, and availability. |
Dental Manual [archived] is
a manual focusing on using public health
approaches to create health
care systems to serve populations that have difficulty
accessing the traditional system of oral health care delivery. |
Web-Based Manuals for Professionals Working to Improve the Public's Oral Health [archived] is a brochure that describes three manuals developed for use by professionals: (1) the Mobile-Portable Dental Manual, (2) the Safety Net Dental Clinic Manual, and (3) Seal America: The Prevention Invention—Second Edition. Brief descriptions of each manual are presented, along with chapter titles and selected features. |
Web-Based Oral Health Curricula for Health Professionals and Human Service Providers [archived] is a brochure that describes two curricula and one continuing education course on oral-health-promotion and disease-prevention services. |
Research to Policy and Practice Forum: Periodontal Health and Birth Outcomes is a report from a December 2006 forum that addressed the relationship between periodontal health and birth outcomes. |
Maternal Oral Health Resource Guide [archived] provides information aimed at improving oral health care for pregnant women. It is divided into three sections: journal articles, materials, and organizations. |
Strategies to Improve Health by Enhancing the Integration of Oral Health and Maternal and Child Health Programs explains how to improve oral and general health. Topics include the importance of oral health, the benefits of integrating oral health and maternal and child health activities, and areas for collaboration. |
Special Care: An Oral Health Professional's Guide to Serving Young Children with Special Health Care Needs is a distance-learning curriculum for oral health professionals. Registered users can earn four continuing-education credits upon successful completion. |
Promoting the Oral Health of Children with Special Health Care Needs: In Support of the National Agenda provides suggestions for oral-health-promotion activities. It addresses the six critical indicators of a comprehensive system of care identified by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau: (1) medical home, (2) insurance coverage, (3) screening, (4) organization of services, (5) family roles, and (6) transition to adulthood. |
Health Alert: Focus on Head Start [archived] is
a free monthly electronic newsletter that provides
timely information about national campaigns and initiatives,
websites, data releases, materials, and journal
articles. |
Oral Health Services for Children and Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs: Resource Guide [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides references to journal articles, reports and other materials, and organizations to assist health professionals in their efforts to ensure that children and adolescents with special health care needs receive optimal oral health care. Each entry includes bibliographic information, an annotation, and contact information. |
Strategies for Improving the Oral Health System of Care for Children and Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs [archived; see latest edition of the publication] outlines strategies for health professionals in planning, developing, and implementing state and local efforts to ensure access to oral health care for children and adolescents with special health care needs. |
Oral Health for Children and Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs: Challenges and Opportunities [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides information about topics including unmet oral health care needs, oral health and general health and well-being, barriers to oral health care such as lack of insurance or qualified health professionals, and how Medicaid and other publicly financed reimbursement methods offer opportunities for care. |
Child and Adolescent Oral Health Issues [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides information on current issues in child and adolescent oral health. Topics include access to care, children and adolescents with special health care needs, dental caries, fluoride, dental sealants, injury and violence, and tobacco. |
Futures in Practice: Oral Health—Pocket
Guide [archived; see latest edition of the publication] is designed to help health professionals
implement specific oral-health-supervision guidelines during
and the postpartum period, infancy, early childhood, middle
childhood, and adolescence. It addresses risk assessment
for dental caries, periodontal disease, malocclusion, and
injury. |
Wide: Oral Health Training for Health Professionals [archived; see latest edition of the curriculum] is
a distance-learning curriculum designed to help health
and early childhood professionals working in community
settings (e.g., Head Start, WIC) promote
oral health in the course of promoting general health for
infants, children, and their families. |
Oral Health and Health in Women: A Two-Way Relationship [archived] provides general information and national data on women’s oral health. Topics include women’s oral health status, the relationship between oral health and general health in women, oral health care, and strategies for improving women’s oral health. |
Promoting Awareness, Preventing Pain: Facts on Early Childhood Caries—Second Edition [archived] provides information on early childhood caries. It describes the causes of the problem, its impact on children’s health, and infection statistics. The fact sheet also lists prevention methods and offers recommendations for health professionals. |
Early Childhood Caries Resource Guide—Second Edition [archived; see latest edition of the publication] provides references to journal articles, reports and other materials, and organizations to help health professionals and others prevent early childhood caries. |
A Health Professional's Guide to Pediatric Oral Health Management [archived] is a distance-learning curriculum designed to assist health professionals. It includes information on performing oral screenings to identify infants and children at increased risk for oral health problems, offering referrals to oral health professionals, and providing parents with anticipatory guidance. |
Head Start: An Opportunity to Improve the Oral Health of Children and Families [archived] discusses Head Start programs’ potential role in providing participants with access to oral health care, including education, screenings, and examinations. Topics include a profile of current Head Start participants, access to oral health care, oral health status, and promising strategies. |
Oral Health Tip Sheets for Head Start Staff outline strategies to comply with Head Start Program Performance Standards involving an ongoing source of continuous, accessible care; the recommended schedule of preventive and primary care visits; family partnerships; education; and community partnerships.
Oral Health and Learning: When Children's Oral Health Suffers, So Does Their Ability to Learn—Second Edition [archived; see latest edition of the publication] addresses lost school time and restricted-activity days, oral health and learning, nutrition and learning, and programs for improving oral health. |
Women's Oral Health Resource Guide [archived] provides references to journal articles, educational materials, and professional organizations and federal agencies as resources to help professionals with the aim of improving oral health guidance and care for women. |
Building Partnerships to Improve Children's Access to Medicaid Oral Health Services: National Conference Proceedings |
Creating a Dental Network (Make or Buy?) and Selecting a Dental Vendor [archived] summarizes the requirements of a dental program, compares the differences between medical- and dental-managed-care delivery, and discusses whether to "make" or "buy" a dental program (i.e., whether to develop the internal capabilities or to contract with a qualified vendor to develop and manage such a program). |
Crisis in Care: The Facts Behind Children's Lack of Access to Medicaid Dental Care [archived] examines the hidden facts surrounding tooth decay, the reasons that tooth decay is an important policy problem, who "owns" the problem, the role of Medicaid, and the actions that need to be taken. |
Pediatric Dental Disease: A Critical Marker for Children's Overall Health discusses oral disease within the broad spectrum of overall health. It suggests that tooth decay may serve as a sentinel disease for other pediatric conditions related to inadequate diet and hygiene, self-esteem and personal well-being, family conditions, and ability to access care. |