- Targeted State MCH Oral Health Service Systems program established
The Maternal and Child Health Bureau launched the Targeted State MCH Oral Health Services Systems (TOHSS) grant program to support states’ capacity to expand preventive and restorative oral health services for children eligible for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (formerly the State Children’s Health Insurance Program) and for other children from underserved populations. The goal of the program was to move state oral health programs closer to sustainability and a statewide approach to preventing oral disease.
Examples of funded activities include outreach to non-oral-health professionals and other members of the early childhood community to improve understanding of young children’s oral health needs and case-management and case-coordination services to enhance oral health services delivery for children with special health care needs.
TOHSS funding gave states the opportunity to design and implement programs that integrate oral health systems into a broader system of care within their state. Projects used funding to develop and implement or strengthen the state’s oral health program infrastructure to increase access to oral health services, including prevention and early intervention, especially for vulnerable children and their families, in three focus areas: (1) increase age 1 dental visits for children at high risk for oral disease, (2) improve access to oral health services for children with special health care needs, and (3) ensure restorative treatment of active disease through dental sealant programs. Examples of state activities include:
- Conducted trainings on early childhood caries prevention and treatment, including fluoride varnish for oral health professionals and non-oral-health professionals (Alaska).
- Implemented systems to provide preventive care to young children in community settings (California).
- Increased the number of schools participating in a dental sealant program, serving over 3,800 students in second grade (Colorado).
- Supported the first annual conference of the state coalition, Oral Health Florida (Florida).
- Partnered with local health departments, dental clinics, the Illinois Primary Health Care Association, the Illinois chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the state oral health coalition to integrate oral health education, screening, and referral into maternal and child health programs (Illinois).
- Incorporated a dental sealant reporting system into the online client-services-management system used by local health departments to enter patient data (Kentucky).
Maternal and Child Health Bureau. 2007. Targeted State MCH Oral Health Service Systems Grant Program [guidance]. Rockville, MD: Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center. 2012. Targeted MCH Oral Health Service System Project Highlights. Washington, DC: National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center.
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