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Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin. 2022. Dental sealant permission slip—template. Milwaukee, WI: Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin, 5 pp.

Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin
6737 West Washington Street, Suite 1111
West Allis, WI 53214

Telephone: (414) 292-4000
Secondary Telephone: (414) 337-4561
Fax: (414) 231-4972
Website: https://www.chawisconsin.org/

This template can be used to develop a permission slip to obtain consent from parents for their child to receive dental sealants as well as other related preventive oral health services from a school-based dental sealant program. The template can be customized with the program name and other information. Space to provide additional information that parents would like the program to know is included. The permission slip template is available in Arabic, Burmese, English, Hmong, and Spanish.


Cavity Free at Three. 2016. Keeping your child's mouth healthy. Denver, CO: Cavity Free at Three, 4 pp.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive, South
Denver, CO 80246

Telephone: (303) 692-2000
Secondary Telephone: (800) 886-7689
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: https://cdphe.colorado.gov

This brochure for parents provides information about how to keep infants’ and young children’s mouths and teeth healthy. Topics include why primary teeth are important and how to keep them healthy, how to keep an infant’s mouth healthy before teeth start to come in, and how to care for infants’ and children’s teeth. Information about fluoride is also included. The brochure is available in Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, English, Nepali, Russian, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]


Cavity Free at Three. 2016. Keeping your teeth healthy during pregnancy. Denver, CO: Cavity Free at Three, 4 pp.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 Cherry Creek Drive, South
Denver, CO 80246

Telephone: (303) 692-2000
Secondary Telephone: (800) 886-7689
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: https://cdphe.colorado.gov

This brochure for pregnant women provides information about how to keep their mouth and their infant’s mouth and teeth healthy. Topics include the importance of good oral health during pregnancy and the safety of getting oral health care during pregnancy. The brochure is available in Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, English, Nepali, Russian, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]


Clifford S, Austin C. 2015. Betel nut. Hillsborough, NC: Orange County Health Department, 1 p.

Susan Clifford, M.S.W., M.P.H.
Orange County Health Department
P.O. Box 8181
Hillsborough, NC 27278

Telephone: (919) 732-8181
Contact Phone: (919) 245-2387
Contact E-mail: [email protected]
Website: https://www.orangecountync.gov/204/Health-Department
Available from the website.

This handout provides information about the potentially harmful effects of chewing betel nut, including increased risk for cancer and gum disease. The handout addresses risk associated with combining betel nut and tobacco and risks for chewing betel nut for pregnant women and children. The handout also includes information about the importance of talking with a doctor and dentist about betel nut use and early cancer detection and provides phone numbers for information about oral health care in North Carolina. The handout is available in English, Burmese, and Karen.


National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness. [2012]. Oral health: Tips for families from the National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness. [Elk Grove Village, IL]: National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness, 1 p.

Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Head Start Washington, DC 20201

Telephone: (866) 763-6481
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov
Available from the website.

This tip sheet for parents of children enrolled in Head Start programs discusses the importance of good oral health habits for children. It provides tips for brushing teeth, helping children learn proper brushing techniques, eating healthy snacks, avoiding sugary drinks and foods, and visiting the dentist. The tip sheet is available in Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, English, Hmong, Marshallese, Polish, Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Yiddish.


University of the Pacific School of Dentistry and MetLife Dental Advisory Council. [2003]. Dental practice documents [Health history forms and translations]. San Francisco, CA: University of the Pacific School of Dentistry, 4 items.

University of the Pacific School of Dentistry, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry
155 Fifth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

Telephone: (415) 929-6400
Fax: (415) 929-6654
Website: http://dental.pacific.edu
Available from the website.

These practice resources for oral health professionals comprise a health history form, a health history interview sheet, a medical consultation form, and a document describing how to use the forms. The health history form is available in Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Bosnian/Serb/Croatian, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Creole, English, Farsi, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Ukranian, Urdu, Vietnamese, Yiddish, and Yoruba.


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