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OHRC Publications for Consumers

Educational materials for consumers in English and other languages are written in an easy-to-read style that is appropriate for all audiences, including those with low literacy levels. Permission statements to download, print, or photocopy appear on each item.

Click on the links below to view and/or download OHRC publications. There are no print copies available at this time. OHRC publications, such as fact sheets, resource bulletins, and resource guides, may be photocopied; adapting or reproducing OHRC-produced materials requires permission. If you would like assistance, contact us.

See also Resources for Professionals.

cover of Fluoride Varnish for Adults: Q&A

Fluoride Varnish for Adults: Q&A

Fluoride Varnish for Adults: Q&A is a one-page handout providing information in English and Spanish that explains what fluoride varnish is and discusses its safety. It also addresses things to avoid after it is applied to teeth, how long it lasts, how often it should be applied, and whether it is covered by dental insurance.

Healthy Habits for Happy Smiles

This series of handouts for pregnant women and parents of infants and young children provides simple tips on oral health issues.

image showing collage of covers for Healthy Habits for Happy Smiles

Healthy Smile Brochures

These brochures are designed to provide parents with information about the importance of oral hygiene and oral health care during pregnancy and after their infant is born and about how to ensure that their infant or young child enjoys the best possible oral health. Consumer brochures are available in two formats: trifold and full-page (double-sided).

  • A Healthy Smile for Your Baby: Tips to Keep Your Baby Healthy: Trifold | Full-page
    (Spanish) Una sonrisa saludable para tu bebé: Consejos para mantener sano a tu bebé: Trifold | Full-page
  • A Healthy Smile for Your Young Child: Tips to Keep Your Child Healthy: Trifold | Full-page
    (Spanish) Una sonrisa saludable para tu niño pequeño: Consejos para mantener sano a tu niño: Trifold | Full-page
    (German) Ein gesundes Lächeln für Ihr kleines Kind: Tipps für gesunde Zähne Ihres Kindes: Full-page
  • Two Healthy Smiles: Tips to Keep You and Your Baby Healthy: Trifold | Full-page
    (Spanish) Dos sonrisas saludables: Consejos para mantenerte a ti y a tu bebé sanos: Trifold | Full-page
image showing collage of covers for Healthy Smile Brochures



Oral Health Tips for Families

Oral Health: Tips for Families is a fact sheet providing tips to help families ensure that their children's oral health begins in infancy. Also available in

Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Burmese, Chinese, Hmong, Marshallese, Polish, Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Yiddish.

image showing collage of covers for Health Tips for Families

Tips for Good Oral Health During Pregnancy


Permission statements to download, print or photocopy appear on each brochure.

View, Print, and Copy OHRC Publications