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12 records found.

Academy of General Dentistry Foundation
Dedicated to improving the oral health of the public and to promoting the efforts of general dentists through financial support of scientific, educational, and charitable initiatives.

ADEAGies Foundation
Enhances public oral health through programs that support dental education, research, leadership, and recognition.

ADHA Institute for Oral Health
Advances the profession of dental hygiene through scholarships, research grants, community service grants, and fellowships.

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Foundation
Strives to ensure that every child has a dental home. Supports community-based initiatives that provide access to oral health care for children.

American Association of Public Health Dentistry Foundation
Supports professional education, development, policy, and research in dental public health.

American Dental Association Foundation
Engages in oral health research and educational programs to address the need to accelerate practical dental research, education, and access to care.

CareQuest Institute for Oral Health
Awards grants and supports programs that improve oral health policy, access to care, public and private funding for oral health, and community-based prevention.

Dental Lifeline Network
Provides access to oral health care and education for people who cannot afford it and who have a permanent disability, who are ages 65 or older, or who are medically fragile through a national network of volunteer dentists and laboratories.

Dental Trade Alliance Foundation
Works to broaden awareness of oral health issues and increase access to oral health services for underserved populations. Funds oral health initiatives that promise to achieve measurable impact.

Grantmakers In Health
Fosters communication and collaboration among health grantmakers and others and helps to strengthen the grantmaking community's knowledge, skills, and effectiveness.

Hispanic Dental Association Foundation
Provides services, education, advocacy, and leadership with the goal of eliminating oral health disparities in the Hispanic population.

Smiles for Success: A Foundation of the American Association of Women Dentists
Offers oral health care at no cost to women graduates of accredited job-readiness and job-placement programs or other community-based programs.