Title V National Performance Measure 13 (Oral Health)
The National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center is pleased to announce new resources.
Title V National Performance Measure 13 (Oral Health): Strategies for Success—Second Editon

Title V National Performance Measure 13 (Oral Health): Strategies for Success—Second Editon provides information to help state maternal and child health programs in their implementation of the Title V national performance measure for oral health (NPM 13) and oral-health-related state performance measures. It offers sample strategies for providing preventive dental visits for pregnant women and children and adolescents ages 1–17. The second edition includes new strategies for using teledentistry to provide preventive oral health care. For all strategies, the report presents sample evidence-based or evidence-informed strategy measures (ESMs), possible data sources for ESMs, and a comprehensive list of resources.

- Preventive Dental Visits for Children and Adolescents Are Important! | Las visitas odontológicas preventivas para niños y adolescentes son importantes
- Preventive Dental Visits for Pregnant Women Are Important! | Las visitas odontológicas preventivas para mujeres embarazadas son importantes
These infographics provide information for oral health professionals about benefits of and barriers to preventive dental visits for pregnant women and children and adolescents ages 1–17. The resources can be shared with program administrators and other stakeholders to raise their awareness about the Title V NPM 13 and the importance of preventive dental visits to reduce oral health problems and unnecessary treatment expenses.
Information about the Title V MCH Services Block Grant application, the 5-year needs assessment, and NPMs, including the 32 states addressing NPM 13, is available from the Title V MCH Services Block Grant Oral Health Toolkit.
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National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center
Georgetown University
E-mail: [email protected]